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Silent unattended installation and uninstallation of Infor Visual ERP and Gupta Runtime

I'm getting ready to upgrade our company from Infor Visual Manufacturing ERP version 9.0.8 to Version 10 and I needed to automate that upgrade with PDQ. Here are the steps to get that working. First, run the installers with /r command to record the setup information to c:\windows\setup.iss For example: deploy-7.3.6-x86 /r Then get the setup.iss from the Windows folder when the install completes and copy it to the installer folder. (C:\windows\setup.iss) Now when the installer is run with the /s switch, it will use the setup.iss to install the software in unattended mode. For Example: deploy-7.3.6-x86 /s Next Step is creating the unattended uninstallation by adding /r to the end of the uninstall command found in the registry for Visual 10:   Here is an example of create the uninstall.iss file for Visual 10: "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{D79EF435-9724-43C5-9BD3-DB6D13DA403A}\setup.exe" -runfromtemp -l0x0409 -removeonly /r Then get the setup...

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